
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Calendar Mayhem

When you work for a large or small corporation, the calendar is an important tool to your day to day duties. It doesn't matter if you are an admin, a manager, or a CEO.

The one thing that will aggravate EVERYONE around you is when a calendar, which is the property of the company, is blocked from the rest of the company.  We're not talking about seeing the details.  Frankly, no one cares!

I'm talking about seeing the basic Free/Busy. Thereby allowing some basic planning for when, as a courtesy, you call the person to confirm the time is actually available.

When the CEO and the Chairman of the company allow their calendars to show Free/Busy, it is poor form on an individual's part to think themselves more important than the people who allow them to have a job.

Free/Busy won't kill you, but not seeing your calendar might make important people wonder what you are hiding.

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