
Friday, April 29, 2011

Fashion Faux Pas

Alas, gentle reader, the temperature gauge is rising with the hemlines. The landscape is filled with unfortunate fashion choices with the advent of the warmer weather.

In corporate America, it is time for a few gentle reminders for the summer wardrobe in the workplace.  If the following rules are followed, Admin Gal can promise a Spring and Summer season free of disaster.

  1. Skirts - I see London, I see France.... If you can't bend over without exposing everything, don't wear it!  Admin Gal is appalled at the articles of clothing that are mistakenly called skirts that can show up at the workplace.  According to the majority of corporate dress codes, women should be covered from their waist to 2 inches above their knees.
  2. Blouses & Tops - Just because the temperature is rising doesn't mean the décolletage should be lowered.  The workplace is not a brothel.  It is a place of business.  It is better to leave things to the imagination.
  3. Short Shorts - There is no professional environment where short shorts are appropriate work attire.  Daisy Duke wasn't a really person, she existed only in comics.  That's where those shorts should stay.
  4. Overall Clingy-ness - While many of us work hard to maintain our physical fitness, properly fitted clothing is much more attractive than ill fitted clothing.  Clothing should not reveal every lump, bump or unmentionables.  Leave something to the imagination.  
Here's to a summer season without a fashion disaster!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Happy Administrative Professional Day

Admin Gal is proud to be ranked in the midst of the Administrative Professional crowd.  We are the glue and the grease that keeps the corporate machine together and humming along.  No other profession can be used as a jumping off point to other opportunities.

Plus, its comforting to know it will all go to pieces without us!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Just Saying...

Admin Gal realizes that often business relationships are built on the interpersonal.  For example, a consulting firm will often use a company they consider a success as a reference to bring in new business.  In theory this is a good idea.

In theory.

In actuality, a consultant is a really good sales guy peddling high end concepts to companies who might or might not take the bait. If the company bites, the consulting company wants to use the 'caught' company as chum in the corporate waters to stir up interest.

This will only work for a short time before the executives of the 'chum' company get tired of the entire game and tell the consultants to take a hike.

Just saying.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sales Call Fail #2

Admin Gal:  Thank you for calling ABC Company, how may I assist you?
Persistent Sales Guy: I'm calling for Mr. X.
Admin Gal: Whom may I say is calling?
Persistent Sales Guy:  He knows who I am, it is on a need to know basis.
Dear readers, after uncurling her fingers from her cracked telephone receiver Admin Gal replies.
Admin Gal: I need to know as I let Mr. X know who is calling.
Persistent Sales Guy: No, you don't. You are only the admin.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Beastly Week

Admin Gal is sorry for the delay, my dears.  This week has held her hostage.

The run down:

  1. A 3-day meeting for a business unit only works on her floor.  Yet, they are cut off from their administrative support and needed hand holding, planning and feeding.  It wouldn't do to have starved corpses littering my hallways. It wouldn't do at all.
  2. An executive on vacation.  But not really if you count the emails, telephone conversations and meetings he called into.  Admin Gal admired the dedication, but this is what put her much admired boss into the hospital last year with a heart attack.  She would rather not repeat the experience.  Good bosses are hard to find.
  3. The floor move to the new building is on.  Finally.  The planning and panicking has begun.  Panicking on the Project Manager's part, who doesn't have a clue to the actual administrative minutia involved in.  Planning involved on Admin Gal's part in making sure that every desk is free of anything valuable and every person will receive all the contents of their cubicles.  
  4. The department is an Admin down, so Admin Gal is covering three additional VP's.  All of whom have had heavy, last minute international travel schedules.  
  5. And Admin Gal has developed sudden and vicious allergies to the building she works in.
So, gentle reader, how has your week gone?

Friday, April 8, 2011

Teamwork FTW!

The best part of being an Admin is being part of a network of like minded individuals who can help each other in a pinch.

Admin Gal is part of such a network.  She knows that in a crunch, anyone of the Admins in her vast network will help her.  Just as she will render assistance.

Of course, our executives really don't realize that we are about to stage a revolt and take over.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Calendar Misfires

A professional calendar is just that - Professional.

More often than not, Admin Gal finds more and more of her colleagues using their work calendars to keep up with the events of their personal life.  As the administrator of more than a few of those calendars, Admin Gal does not want to see the following:

  1. Nip and Tuck.
  2. Pick up 'Sexy Stuff' for tonight.
  3. Keep 'R' from knowing about 'S'.
  4. ANYTHING to do with intimate performance.
  5. Innumerable references to dinners, doctor appointments, dates, children's plays and other performances, etc.
All of these things belong on personal calendars. If they need to be on your professional calendar, by all things sane, create a code by which you can spare the Admin.  We already know to much about your lives.  
