
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Sin of 'Reply All'

We've all done it, hit 'Reply All' when we've only meant to send a pithy, semi-inappropriate reply to an email. And had grovel accordingly.


In the case of one company, the ill-conceived notion, of starting a revolution on the matter of refurbishing the company fitness center.  After all, if 'YOU' are up in arms over the matter, surely others will follow your lead and charge up the hill with torches and pitchforks at the ready supporting you all the way.


A few days ago a misguided soul hit 'Reply All' to a simple announcement that the fitness center would be closed on a Saturday.

Instead of a simple reply to the sender, the obliviot hit 'Reply All' and said, 'I hope it is closed for renovations! It needs it!'.  A fellow obliviot, joined in with their own spin, also sharing their remarks with the entire list.

Neither one of these individuals paid attention to the individuals on the list.  At least three Vice President, seven Directors, and each of their direct managers were party to their career suicide.

Too be fair, the fitness center director should have blind copy the entire list to avoid the entire debacle.  BUT, common sense should have prevailed.

Only use REPLY ALL in the most dire of circumstances.  Your job depends on it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can only imagine who in our group would do such a thing. I would have thought we knew better but I guess someone forgot to teach a few folks in the company email etiquette 101. "Reply all" is NOT to be used in every instance and should not be your default mode lest one forgets and sends out said CLM (career limiting message)to the company at large.

Thanks for sharing these things it makes my day a little bit brighter to know someone else is experiencing the utterly "dumb" stuff that happens on a daily sometimes hourly basis.