
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Summertime Dress Blues

The workplace, not for the fashion faint of heart

It's that time again!  The sun is shining, the mercury is rising, the winter time blues are being banished like a bad memory.  We all rejoice in the return of the consistent sunshine of Spring and Summer.
With this felicitous change brings a change in wardrobe in the workplace.  Hems rise, toes come out of hiding and shirts seem to have less yardage.
So here are some simple rules to follow as we enter the warmer months in the work environment:
  1. If you think you are going to sweat, don't forget the deodorant.  More importantly, DO NOT increase the amount of your favorite perfume or cologne to combat your BO.  Your co-workers will rise in revolt and hose you down until you stinketh not!
  2. Let's talk about hemlines.  Most companies have a summertime dress code, inevitable people will try to find a way around it.  Frankly, a simple rule to follow is if you can't bend down without showing the world your privates, the skirt or shorts are too short!
  3. Cleavage.  Let's talk about cleavage.  As the mercury rises the décolletage seems to dip.  Showing too much skin, leaving little to the imagination.  Intimate apparel should never show when you are in a professional environment!  Cover up ladies!  Use a shrug, sweater, shawl, or, I don't know, and actual blouse that buttons.
Summer is a time to be cool and refreshing in most everything you do.  This can be done with class and elegance with your wardrobe.  Be aware of your company's dress code and stick to it.
What every you do, don't show your privates to the boss!  If you do, your summer will surely be blue.

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