
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Life of a Mushroom

Admin Gal is a mushroom.  Buried deep in the minutiae of secrets and bureaucracy, poking her head out in order to get the lay of the land.

In the teeming soil she sits in, Admin Gal gathers information.  Piecing together the puzzle that will keep her boss savvy to the powers that be and in touch with the people that work in the division he manages.

Being a mushroom is a very difficult job!

Thursday, June 23, 2011


With the office move to the heart of the city, Admin Gal has had to develop a whole new level of patience.

Prior to the move, Admin Gal lived in close proximity to the office.  One tank of gas would last a month.

Alas, those days are history.  She is now saddled with a monthly commute of 2.5 tanks of gas and $20 in tolls.  To quote Guy Fleegman aka 'Crewman #6' from Galaxy Quest, "That's just not right!"

On top of it all, Admin Gal's fellow commuters all seem to have the attention span of gnats.  Stopping willy-nilly in the middle of the highway.  The only reason Admin Gall can determine was an imaginary squirrel crossed their path.


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Ain't No Rest for The Wicked

Admin Gal has determined that vacation is just another excuse for said employer to invent new and unusual ways to torment employees upon their return.

Upon her return, Admin Gal found:

  1. 700 emails in her inbox - No, that is NOT an exaggeration.  She only wishes it were.  Oh, the horror, the horror! 
  2. Numerous 'projects' assigned to her in her absence - After all, how could Admin Gal say 'NO' if she wasn't there to do so. GRRRRRR!
  3. Two supply rooms to unpack - The dreaded office move occurred during her absence.
  4. And one new Admin, who was close to making a break for it.
Was the vacation worth it? Absolutely!

Admin Gal loves her job!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Happy Admin/ Annoyed Admin - You Choose

Admin Gal is all for people taking the initiative.  She applauds people being proactive, on-time, and forward thinking.

What Admin Gal does NOT appreciate are people who can't grasp simple concepts:

  1. No, Admin Gal does not know why the sophisticated and very expensive HR software STILL doesn't have your information correct.  No, she won't go in and change it for you.
  2. The correlative nature between annoying Admin Gal and their inability to get things done.
  3. Just because they are having a piss poor day, does not mean they can bring their woes to Admin Gal's desk.  There is a 'No Whining or Complaining - Violators will be Stapled' sign posted for a reason.