
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Idle Chatter

Every office has one.  You know the person.  The one who can't be quiet. Who has to fill a void that doesn't exist with noise.  Standing in the cube aisle making idle conversation, annoying those around them. The one who makes chit-chat.

Chit-chat in and of itself is benign.  Something to be done when nothing else is to be done.  However, when you have a person in the office with apparently nothing else to do but chit-chat among others who have actual duties to perform, the effects can be devastating on productivity and moral.
That aimless person, unless managed effectively, curtails the productivity of others.  Sowing seeds of resentment in their wake. They seldom recognize boundaries, leaving the person they are bothering to be blunt.

Times are tough.  Everyone should be putting their shoulder to the wheel, showing their value to their employer regardless of the state of the company.  If your company is in the midst of downsizing, your work ethic will be recognized by recommendations after the job has been eliminated.  If you are lucky enough to be in a company that is stable, you will likely to be around for another day.

The old adage 'idle hands are the devils workshop' hold true in this day and age.  Idle chit-chat brings nothing but problems.

Monday, January 25, 2010


Earning an income is a simple equation:
Work x Application = Income
This isn't rocket science (unless of course you are a rocket scientist, then it's a whole other ball of wax).
Admin Gal has an ax to grind with Sales People.
Admin Gal gets the fact that sales people need to make a living.  If they are respectful of her, she will do what she can to get them to the right people to open a dialog.  No, sales people do NOT need to speak to the top of the totem pole at the first swing.  Let me get you to the correct person.
DO NOT call incessantly hoping, beyond hope, to catch Admin Gal's boss on the phone when she is 'off duty'.  It isn't going to happen.
A - Admin Gal's boss won't pick up a number he doesn't recognize.
B - Breathing heavy then hanging up is just plain RUDE.
C - Just do what Admin Gal has asked you to do.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Admin Gal's current employer is in the process of several large initiatives.  One of the larger being the move into a new building.  Admin Gal's division is not slated to move down into the new building until other initiatives have run their courses.

This being said, there is a miasma of concern and defeat that has settled over the division.  Facilities seems to have abandoned us for the luxuries of the new facilities.

While Admin Gal's Division has been assured that we have not been forgotten, IT related tasks ordered have taken much longer complete. Admin Gal has had to be resourceful in getting things completed.
Admin Gal was brought to task today by someone regarding a telephone wire running across a cubicle.  Admin Gal acknowledges the Health and Safety issues of the problem.  But her gripe is the following.  This has been a problem for 3 1/2 weeks.  The cube inhabitant has not followed up with Admin Gal to let her know that the problem is not fixed.

Instead, when cube inhabitant FINALLY lets Admin Gal know, Admin Gal is threatened with a cessation of work because the cube inhabitant will disconnect her phone and cease to use the tool until the wire is no longer a threat to her well-being.

Never mind that Admin Gal spent 20 minutes she didn't have to duct taping the telephone line to the floor.  A task that is not hers to do.  Admin Gal scoffs at such a notion.  Her philosophy is 'Find A Way!'. Makes life easier.

Never mind the cube inhabitant showed not one wit of gratitude.

Never mind in the entire time that the problem existed the cube inhabitant did NOTHING to find a solution for the problem herself.  It wasn't her job.

Never mind the cube inhabitant decided to feature Admin Gal as the villain an email to her supervisors about the company Health and Safety issues.

What the cube inhabitant doesn't realize that Admin Gal had already documented the entire incident with the cube inhabitant's boss's boss.  As in the email the cube inhabitant had spun her version of the truth to look good.

For Admin Gal's well-being, she will cease all interaction with this cube inhabitant.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Admin Gal is nothing if not patient and forgiving. She tends to be generous as well. After all, a workplace should be a nice place to work. But lately, her boundaries have been breached. Maybe this is because she has become indispensable. Seen as one of the Executive Team.
The sad reality is she is not. In the world of her company, Admin Gal is non-exempt. Yes, that’s right. Non-Exempt. Admin Gal is not subject to the large salaries of her executive teammates, she is not paid enough to live and breath her job 24/7.
She is not deemed important enough to be given a company cell phone. Yet, the personal cell phone that was given in trust to her boss has been abused greatly lately.
How you ask?
During her lunch hour, numerous calls placed to her cell phone regarding things that could wait until Admin Gal was back on company time. On her day off, her phone rings for information that is readily available if one does a simple search of the company intranet.  The phone number was to be used in case of emergencies.  Meetings, information, and convenience does NOT an emergency MAKE!
Admin Gal is NOT Amused with the current circumstances and may have to take drastic actions.  She may have to change her phone number.  Wouldn’t that confound the buggers?
While she ponders her options, Admin Gal will continue to do her job leaving her victims blissfully unaware of their impending doom.

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year New 'Tude!

The end of 2009 left Admin Gal exhausted!  So many things to write about and so little time to do it.

My new year resolution is to document the folly and fun of my administrative world. Taking no prisoners.  Remembering that I only have one shot to express my viewpoint.

Welcome 2010.  I look forward to our new adventures in administrative madness and mayhem.