
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Manager Management

Let’s face it, times abound in our duties as admins when we have to draw the line in the proverbial sand and outright manage our executives.  I’m not talking bout softly say ‘I think you should… ‘ to the boss. I’m talking about taking his or her calender in your hands and declaring no-meeting zones of time, pushing back on people who don’t actually look at availability and saying ‘NO’.
The average executive has more projects than they have time for and more looming on the horizon.  Their day to day tasks for keeping their company or divisions afloat flatten lesser beings.  These people are strong.
This life-style is full of stress.  The body is not made to handle constant stress.  And sometimes it revolts.
Then the admin’s task becomes even more difficult.  Managing super-people with no sense of self-preservation is a fine balancing act.  Sometimes we have to monitor their health too.
It’s a good thing I’m certified in First Aid AND CPR.  That’s all I’m saying.

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