
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Traveling Well with Others

I’m sitting on a jammed packed flight, on my way home from a successful business trip. I’m grooving to my iPod as I review my notes, when the man in 17C decides to fling his seat back to it’s fullest recline. I now have six inches between the top of his balding head and my nose.
Can I tell you that I am justifiably offended?
Most people will recline their seats minimally, understanding that the people behind them might have their laptops open working, meals on the tray, or are enjoying a book.
Instead I must restrain myself from jamming my knees in the back of his seat. In order to not spend the rest of he flight staring at his bald spot, I now have to sit slouched. Somehow I do not believe that he will pay for the chiropratic adjustment this is going to require.
I really dislike inconsiderate people.

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