- The keys are only useful for a Lilliputian.
- The calendar sync is moody, unpredictable and spiteful
- Emails get lost, only to show up hours, days, and weeks later.
- Answering email while at the dinner table is just wrong.
- People can NOT walk a straight line and text while using a Blackberry.
- Blackberry users think we really don’t know they are on the golf course.
- evryn frgts bsc englh & grmr sklz once hkd on the crkbry
- A vibrating Blackberry on a desk sounds like a demented swarm of hornets.
- People do NOT look more important with a crackberry or iAnnoyance stuck to their ear.
- Using the Blackberry while on the toilet is not considered efficient or socially acceptable.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Top Ten Reasons I will NOT Own a Blackberry or ANY Device of Its Ilk
Administrative Assistant,
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
The Voice
I am a terrifying person.
With the sound of my sweet dulcet tones, I stun telephone people speechless and they hang-up their phones without uttering a word. Plants wither and decompose. Famine strikes and entire economies crumble.
This is a power that must be used wisely and with great care. I wouldn’t want to accidentally stun the wrong person. Hmmmm let’s say, My Boss.
I have to give people credit for their persistence. Come on people, I’m paid to answer my boss’ telephone. He doesn’t pick-up numbers he doesn’t recognize. I get that privilege.
No matter how many times you call, he won’t pick up! Talk to me and you might, just might have a snowball’s chance of making an impression.
Otherwise, I will continue to wield my weapon of mass destruction. My voice.
With the sound of my sweet dulcet tones, I stun telephone people speechless and they hang-up their phones without uttering a word. Plants wither and decompose. Famine strikes and entire economies crumble.
This is a power that must be used wisely and with great care. I wouldn’t want to accidentally stun the wrong person. Hmmmm let’s say, My Boss.
I have to give people credit for their persistence. Come on people, I’m paid to answer my boss’ telephone. He doesn’t pick-up numbers he doesn’t recognize. I get that privilege.
No matter how many times you call, he won’t pick up! Talk to me and you might, just might have a snowball’s chance of making an impression.
Otherwise, I will continue to wield my weapon of mass destruction. My voice.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The tower wobbles as you gently pull the block out of the position you have chosen. If you' re lucky, it is an easy block. But if your opponents have played the game well, all you have left are blocks that are critical to the the structure of the tower. Anything you remove with bring the tower crashing down.
The thing is that the inevitable outcome of the game is the collapse of the tower. And so it is with my job.
So many of my responsibilities and duties often rest on one block, one person. When that block is removed, everything can come crashing down around my ears. Does this mean that I've done nothing to shore things up? Or make contingency plans? Of course not, I've been planning for these moments so the impact is not as significant.
It always stings when the blocks come tumbling down around my ears. In the end, I always build a better structure
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Happy Administrative Professionals Day!
Always be nice to secretaries. They are the real gatekeepers in the world.
—Anthony J. D'AngeloTo all my comrades-in-arms I salute you! Remember we are many and THEY are few. Without us, they would never remember where they were suppose to be, where that file was, and who got paid when.
Administrative Professionals UNITE!
(Okay, I'm over the top today, but celebrate your greatness. We may not get a lot of recognition in the trenches but without us the various corporations, governments and organizations would be in terrible dissaray.)
Monday, April 20, 2009
The Buck Does NOT Stop Here
As an Administrative Professional, I nor my colleagues appreciate it when we are blamed for the lack of planning on the part of the people that we work so hard for. This doesn't happen often but when it does, it is a slap in the face, an offense, a sign that the person who has perpetrated said offense does not understand that the Administrative Professional is more than a lackey.
Let me illustrate my point with a couple of examples:
1. A Manager who is supposed to be in charge of their own budget, aware of invoices, accruals, etc. Suddenly realizes that they didn't accrue several invoices for a significant amount of money that will reflect badly on their budget. Do they a) own up to their error and make the necessary corrections? b) act like they don't know what happened and fix things on the sly? or c) concoct and elaborate lie to blame the administrative professional? If you guessed 'c' you probably are thinking that this might be a gross exaggeration. But alas, no. It happened to a colleague of mine.
2. In their eagerness, a newby to a department with an Administrative Professional, decides that they can do all the 'work' that they are not inclined to do. A seasoned Administrative Professional will a) do the work given them with a smile; b) do the work given them and have a talk with their manager; c) give them the look and ignore them; or d) kindly educate them in the department policies and procedures. Honestly, I would have to say it would depend on how I was approached. ‘d’ would always be implemented with a smidge of whichever other option was appropriate to the situation. I have enough to do without someone thinking they can add to my load.
Look, an Adminstrative Professional is an integral part of the team, not a lackey to pass blame on or push work on. We are the grease that keeps the wheels going. We work hard to make your jobs seem easier.
All that being said, if you need to find fault, lay blame, or just be cranky at, I suggest you look in the mirror and let the buck stop where it is suppose to.
Let me illustrate my point with a couple of examples:
1. A Manager who is supposed to be in charge of their own budget, aware of invoices, accruals, etc. Suddenly realizes that they didn't accrue several invoices for a significant amount of money that will reflect badly on their budget. Do they a) own up to their error and make the necessary corrections? b) act like they don't know what happened and fix things on the sly? or c) concoct and elaborate lie to blame the administrative professional? If you guessed 'c' you probably are thinking that this might be a gross exaggeration. But alas, no. It happened to a colleague of mine.
2. In their eagerness, a newby to a department with an Administrative Professional, decides that they can do all the 'work' that they are not inclined to do. A seasoned Administrative Professional will a) do the work given them with a smile; b) do the work given them and have a talk with their manager; c) give them the look and ignore them; or d) kindly educate them in the department policies and procedures. Honestly, I would have to say it would depend on how I was approached. ‘d’ would always be implemented with a smidge of whichever other option was appropriate to the situation. I have enough to do without someone thinking they can add to my load.
Look, an Adminstrative Professional is an integral part of the team, not a lackey to pass blame on or push work on. We are the grease that keeps the wheels going. We work hard to make your jobs seem easier.
All that being said, if you need to find fault, lay blame, or just be cranky at, I suggest you look in the mirror and let the buck stop where it is suppose to.
Administrative Assistant,
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I read the most delightful blog entry this morning entitled "I'm Bringing My Preschool Attitude to Work". This entry just tickled me pink.
You see, I've found that everyone gets buried in their jobs and responsibilities and forget simple courtesies. People forget the value of a smile, a hug, and a 'good job'. Especially in today's economic climate where everyone is working hard to just keep their job.
No matter how I'm feeling I do my best to greet everyone who comes my way with a smile, a warm greeting and a positive thought (Hugging doesn't go over well in my office environment). I'd rather be making an effort to make my environment as positive as possible than dragging it down through negativity.
Worse case scenario, everyone is alway wondering what I'm up to.
You see, I've found that everyone gets buried in their jobs and responsibilities and forget simple courtesies. People forget the value of a smile, a hug, and a 'good job'. Especially in today's economic climate where everyone is working hard to just keep their job.
No matter how I'm feeling I do my best to greet everyone who comes my way with a smile, a warm greeting and a positive thought (Hugging doesn't go over well in my office environment). I'd rather be making an effort to make my environment as positive as possible than dragging it down through negativity.
Worse case scenario, everyone is alway wondering what I'm up to.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

An Administrative Professional: Person who creates and maintains said calendar in a timely and efficient manner.
Executives: The Spanner in the Works!
Administrative Assistant,
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
While the Cat's Away

Only in my dreams! When my boss is out of the office work related or on vacation, I find that my time is filled with people who perceive that I have a void in my life that they would like to fill. For example:
Manager Minion (3 levels below my boss): Oh look the boss’s admin is without guidance and leadership let me fill that void for her! (Placing a large amount of their workload on my desk for me to do)
Savvy Admin: While I appreciate your attempt to make sure that I have enough to occupy myself while the boss is away, let me tell you what I have to do first before I can even consider your pile. (I proceed to educate them in my job)
Manager Minion (taking back the pile of work): Oh I did not realize that you did more than leap to his beck and call.
Savvy Admin (smiling benignly): Yes, I do have a number of other responsibilities, but I would be happy to speak to your manager about your workload since you seem to need help with it.
Manager Minion (beating a hasty retreat): That won’t be necessary!
I find working with the boss remote strife with its own challenges. It’s harder to judge moods and needs during the day. Knowing what meetings have been successfully completed is next to impossible.
But, that being said, it is nice to have some down time. So when the cat is away, this mouse will breath deep and catch up.
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