
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Spell Check, People!

Admin Gal gets it, we are all in a hurry.  Our society has been destroyed by that 140 character monster Twitter and texting.  

If Admin Gal receives one more email that ends in kthxbai.  She will not be held responsible for her actions.  She KNOWS that Mrs. Grady of your first grade spelling class did not find that acceptable spelling. 
In middle school, still not acceptable.
No, high school term paper would have passed with such an atrocity.

What in the name of sanity, makes one think that kthxbai would be acceptable in business correspondence. Even the spell checker can't make head's or tails of it.

Do the world a favor, prove that your formative education actually made an impression and spell things correctly.  Future generations and your business associates will thank you for it.

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