
Monday, May 17, 2010

Oh, the Humanity!

There are some day you just can’t when in the game of calendaring.  Seriously.  If it isn’t vacation for one person, it’s an anniversary for another, OR maybe it’s that obscure hop-scotch pebble throwing day only celebrated every 4th year on a full moon when there is a Chinese-American President in Office.
Really?  When an admin is trying to wrangle 20+ people together for an executive that isn’t even one I regularly support and all I get is grief.  Well, the gloves come off!
Here are the rules of the road!
  1. Take what you get! If meeting making were as easy as they thought they would have done it themselves.
  2. Meeting times only change if the meeting presenters actually haven’t kept their calendars up to date.  Then that is a whole other conversation.
  3. Food?  You want to be feed?  You let me know 15 minutes before the meeting your want food?  That falls under the category of miracles and really, really good bribes.
  4. If said meeting people make the admin mad, the admin will stop managing the calendar and their world will collapse in a chaotic sea of, well you get the picture.
I’m not saying I’m unwilling to help.  But, usually there is a reason that the meeting got put in the initial time-slot or moved to the next.
Just be grateful it’s actually on your calendar at all!

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