
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Calendaring Conundrums

A certain madness is evident when maintaining a calendar for an executive.  When that duty mushrooms into multiple dynamic calendars, well, insanity is the next level of mental acuity.

I only state this obvious, need for a flexible state of mind because of the host of reschedules that happen on any of the given calendars we manage.  If we the admin lose track of the delicate thread that binds all the calendars together, it is even easier for those whose calendars we manage to become unraveled.

For example, I moved a meeting that affected the leadership team.  This meeting was not of pressing urgency as it was a month out on the schedules.  Every last one of the leadership team called me to verify that the meeting would indeed not be taking place tomorrow.

Honestly, the reschedule date is in the subject line. Sigh.

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