
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Cubicle Courtesy

Admin Gal is in a delicate situation.  Morale is in the dumps in her division. An out-sourcing initiative is reaching its conclusion. People are on the cusp of working and not giving a rat's patootie about performing their duties in their last days.

She realizes there is only so much she can do to encourage productivity.  What are their collective supervisors going to do? Fire them?

But there is a certain courtesy that needs to remain in play during this time.  Not everyone is leaving. Those who are staying still have to work.  Having a party in the cubicle next door is enough to send the normally polite and sensible Admin Gal over the edge.

While job-hunting tips are never a bad thing to know, Admin Gal draws the line at listening to murmuring and griping about the current situation her co-workers find themselves in.  They could have walked away at any given time.

All she asks is for some common courtesy in the cubicle environment.

In other words --


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