
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

People are Silly

Admin Gal as an observation and pet peeve all rolled into one.

We all know that person.  The one who takes on a project and can't let go of the details.  They do everything, up to and INCLUDING every task that the team members are suppose to do.

Leaving the project member to do what - you may ask?

Why to take the fall for the impending failure on their part - of course.

Look people.  Projects, events, committees are all things that are comprised of multiple tasks, milestones and, often times, deadlines.  Having several people on the team is meant to alleviate the stress of the over all project.

Taking the burden upon yourself is just plain silly.

1 comment:

Trang said...

Oh my god girl-- this describes my project mate to a "t." She is driving me crazy!!!! Everything from her is a patronizing lesson in how to improve my career, blah, blah, blah...nevermind that I have more IT experience then her and two business degrees to boot.