
Friday, May 29, 2009

Experiments in Software

Like all companies, in these hard economic times, mine is on the look out for the best deal on anything.  Recently we started taking a hard look at our email delivery system.  We currently use a system that is so half-a#$$ed backwards that no reputable hacker would want to be known for hacking it.  I break the email system on a regular basis. I'm not doing anything special.  Just using it.  But then I am an Admin...
I'm on a first name basis with the third-tier tech support for this software.  In fact, when my name comes up I'm pretty sure the conversation goes like this:
Expert #1: OH NO! It's HER!  I'm not picking up the phone!
Expert #2: I took her call last time. It's YOUR turn!
(Picture me on hold, tapping my fingers on my desk!)
The argument continues, fisticuffs erupt. 
FINALLY! Someone picks up the line.
Expert #3:  (who had to break up the fight, answers breathlessly) Hello XXXX, how can we help you today?
But I digress.  We are currently in the beginning of a email pilot.  I and an intrepid group of Executive Admins have been carefully selected to push this system to its limits and beyond.  I've spent the last week in training.  I'm bleeding Blue, Red, Orange, Blue, Green, and Red.
The pilot hasn't even started AND, I've already broken the calendar.  The next thirty days are going to be fun!

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